Adding new Measure

The Import/Export Measures tab acts as a filter which helps in importing or exporting the transactional data measures defined in this tab only. Each new measure added becomes a new column in the interface, with the value for that measure mapped to a column in the file.

To add a new measure:

  1. Click + on the Import/Export Measures tab.
  2. Specify this information in the Import/Export Measures window:
    Measure Name
    The measure name from the list of measures defined at the selected module to be mapped in the interface service. This value limits the measures supported by this interface.
    Measure Display Name
    The display name of the measure to be mapped in the interface service.
    Field Label
    The field label in the interface service to be mapped to the specified transactional data measure.
    • For a SCV or EXCEL interface service, this represents the column number in the file which represents the transactional data measure value. The value must be an integer greater than or equal to zero.
    • For Database interface service, select the value from the available list based on the specified Source Table or Query. The value must be an integer greater than or equal to zero.
  3. Click Add. A new measure is added to the list.