Calling the history replenishment engine

To prepare and call the engine using the CallForecastEngine macro command:

  1. Access the required scenario or worksheet page and select Execute Macro.
  2. Select the CallForecastEngine macro, wherein the specific Engine parameter refers to an engine configuration of type history replacement.
  3. Determine the parameters for the passed engine configuration.
    • The required parameters, if not specified or invalid parameter values are not passed to the engine for processing.
    • The required default settings, if not specified, are not passed to the engine for processing.
    • Parameter values are applied to all item/locations executed for an engine. Therefore, invalid values or missing required parameters cancel the processing and an error message is logged in the job manager and audit log.
  4. Determine the item and location selections to calculate at the specified level. The [Filter] parameter of the macro is considered, if populated.
  5. Clear the mapped output measures, if mapped, in the engine configuration for the base elements in the item and location selections for the calculation (excluding the combination where DoNotFit > 0).
  6. Retrieve the required scenario values to be passed to the engine (all input mappings) based on History Replacement Engine measure mappings.
  7. Prepare and sequence individual item/location calls to the Engine, passing the applicable parameters and scenario values for each item and location combination. As part of this process:
    1. Remove any leading zeros in the history vector. These are the ‘0’ values in the history data prior to the first (oldest) non-zero value.
    2. Normalize the History and Offset Forecast using the specified Period Weightings measure.
    3. Validate the input measures for each item/location. See, Additional checks.
      Note: The item and location combinations that are validated for the parameter and input measure are passed to the forecast engine.
  8. Call the forecast engine passing the specified algorithm. The engine output results are written to Cycle Period History horizon. See, History replacement engine results.
    • The engines stops/halts the Calling process for specific scenarios. See, Additional checks.
    • The engine performs additional checks for these algorithms. See, Additional checks.
    • When no exception occurs, the engine models the region of history data as defined by the derived period start and end indexes with the specified algorithm. As a result, a range of values are saved to to Replacement History for the cycle period horizon. This stores the full Input history, however, the period range (inclusive of History Periods between Replacement Start and End Dates) is overwritten with the calculated replacement history values.