Creating backups

To create a backup of the SCP repository:

  1. Select Configuration > Maintenance > Backup.
  2. Click New.
  3. Specify this information:
    Specify a name for the backup file.
    Data Source
    Specify a data source from the list of .csv data types.
  4. Click Backup.
    1. When creating a backup, if other users log on to the application, this message is displayed: Warning: "Cannot perform operation. Other users are present in SCP. Ensure all users log out prior to the Backup operation" . This prevents the corruption of data. After the backup process is completed, the Operation Successful message is displayed.
    Note:  Scenarios that are locked, or set to the Editable mode, are synchronized with the OLAP server. If a scenario fails to synchronize, this message is displayed: Cannot proceed with backup. There are editable scenarios which cannot be synchronized: "{0}".