Importing price changes

After specifying the price change and item information in the import template and saving the spreadsheet, you can upload the price changes back to Price Management. You can use a third-party data application to generate the import spreadsheet instead of using the blank template in Price Management.
Note: If you are not using a third-party data application to generate your price changes to import, you must download the price change template in Price Management. The pricing information must be specified in the template before you can import any price changes. 
  1. Select Navigation Menu > Price Change List.
  2. Click Import.
  3. Select Choose File and select the price change spreadsheet you saved.
  4. Optionally, specify a Price Change Description.
  5. Select Import Price Changes. A validation message is displayed with the number of successful and unsuccessful price changes. 
  6. Click Load Changes to import successful price changes.
    Note: If a validation error displays, you can still import valid price changes. To resolve invalid price changes, click Download and import the error file. The error file contains the reasons why the file failed. You can correct the errors on the original imported spreadsheet, and then re-upload the file.
  7. Successful price changes are displayed on the Price Change List page. You can make additional edits to the imported price changes inline.