Icon menu
This table shows the icons that display in Price Management.
Note: Some icons may not be available depending on your
role or the status of the price change.
Icon | Description |
Use the Price Management menu. | toggle to display the|
Use the Search Criteria section that automatically displays in each page throughout Price Management. If the Search Criteria section is closed, you can click to redisplay it. | to close the|
Use the | to edit the rows of a table.|
Use the | to save changes that are made to a row or table inline.|
Use the | to cancel changes that are made to a row or table inline.|
Use the | to delete a price change.|
Use the Action Bar when you select one or more price change. | to delete multiple price changes or to end TPR price changes earlier than their end date. The Bulk Action icon displays in the|
Use the | to duplicate a price change.|
Use the | button to return to the previous screen or page.|
Use the | and icons inline in the column headers to filter and order the data in that column.|
Use the CSV file saved locally and import it into the application. | to select a|
The | displays when information cannot be validated.|
Move your pointer over the | to display information about a field or column.