Icon menu

This table shows the icons that display in Price Management.
Note: Some icons may not be available depending on your role or the status of the price change.
Icon Description
nav menu toggle 2 Use the Navigation Menu toggle to display the Price Management menu.
Close icon Use the Close icon to close the Search Criteria section that automatically displays in each page throughout Price Management. If the Search Criteria section is closed, you can click Search to redisplay it.
Edit icon Use the Edit icon to edit the rows of a table.
Save icon Use the Save icon to save changes that are made to a row or table inline. 
Cancel icon Use the Cancel icon to cancel changes that are made to a row or table inline. 
Delete icon Use the Delete icon to delete a price change.
Bulk Icon 2 Use the Bulk Action icon to delete multiple price changes or to end TPR price changes earlier than their end date. The Bulk Action icon displays in the Action Bar when you select one or more price change.
Duplicate icon Use the Duplicate icon to duplicate a price change. 
GPM_Back Use the Back button to return to the previous screen or page.
Filter and Sort Use the Filter and Sort icons inline in the column headers to filter and order the data in that column.
Import_icon Use the Import icon to select a CSV file saved locally and import it into the application.
Error icon The Error icon displays when information cannot be validated. 
Information Icon Move your pointer over the Information icon to display information about a field or column.