Using the location hierarchy filter

You can use the Location Hierarchy Filter in the location column to filter and group the locations by a specific location level that is at a higher level than the selected Location Level.
Note: If a location is not authorized to sell an item, that location does not display in the table.

To use the Location Picker:

  1. Navigate to the Advanced Price Lookup page.
  2. Select a Location Level. Use the Starting/Ending Date to specify a date range. The table is populated with prices for the item over the time range specified.
    Note: When the table is populated, the location column header is displayed as the Location Hierarchy Filter you selected. For example, if you select a level of Metro, the location column is displayed as Metro.
  3. Click the Filter icon on the location column header, then click the Select Location field. The Search field and the Location Hierarchy Filter are displayed.
  4. Expand the Location Hierarchy Filter to view all the available locations that make up the higher levels than the Location Level you selected.
  5. Select a location from the Location Hierarchy Filter to filter and group the locations within a higher location level. You can select multiple locations.
  6. Click Submit to filter the table. Optionally, click Clear to clear the selection.
    The table returns the price data for the locations that make up the level you selected from the Location Hierarchy Filter. You can move the pointer over the Information icon to see the locations included in the picker. If you cancel the selections, all the original data is redisplayed in the table.
    Note: You must click Submit to filter the table. If you move your pointer away from the Location Hierarchy Filter, the application does not perform the action.