Price change attribute data types

During price change attribute creation, you must select a Data Type to specify the type of attribute you are creating.

You can select a Data Type of:
Data type Description
Boolean A boolean value, with two possible values, for the price change attribute. For example, Yes or No.
Date A date for the price change attribute. For example, 09092019.
Date Time A date and time stamp for the price change attribute. For example, 0909201911:34:54.
Decimal A decimal for the price change attribute. For example, 5.60. You can specify two decimal places so to allow for a currency value.
Integer A number for the price change attribute. For example, 9
Location Level The location level for the price change attribute. For example, Store.
Price Type The price change type for the price change attribute. For example, TPR price changes.
String Text for the price change attribute. For example, Department Name.
UOM The unit of measure value for the price change attribute. For example, EA (each).
User The user for the price change attribute. For example, you want to assign a user to the price change.