User and role management

Note: The functionality and features detailed in this section are linked to role permissions that can be granted and applied to any user. Even though a non-administrator can use these features, this guide assumes the end-user is a system or IT administrator. If a non-administrator is granted the role permissions to access these features, the steps and information in this section can still be applied.

In User Management and Store Management, a system administrator can create and manage users and role permissions. Users must be added during the initial implementation of Price Management and managed as the application is used.

A new user is created by specifying a user ID and then assigning applicable roles to that user. Multiple roles can be assigned to a user to grant additional permissions. System administrators can update a user's role and deactivate a user at any time, but a user ID cannot be deleted from Price Management.

Price Management has predefined role permissions that allow a user to perform tasks and operations in the user interface. A system administrator can manage a role's current permissions and create new roles by assigning them permissions. Multiple permissions can be assigned to a role.