Excluding locations from approving a price change with alerts

After you create a non-store level price change from the Price Change List page, validation errors can occur due to a location with a conflict. For example, if you create a REG price change for a specific metro during an in-effect TPR for a set of stores within that metro, an error is displayed. You can add those stores with the TPR price change to an exclusions list from the alert message.

If validation errors occur when you attempt to approve a price change with location conflicts, Price Management suggests to exclude these locations. You can:

  1. Review the alerts and the suggested locations to exclude from the price change approval.
  2. Click Create with Exclusions to add the suggested conflicting locations as excluded locations and approve the price change for the valid stores.
    The stores are added to the Excluded Locations column for the price change(s). The price change for the valid locations is approved.