Creating price reason codes

To create a price reason code, you must specify a Price Reason Code and a Price Reason Name, and then apply a Price Type.

  1. Log in as the system or IT administrator.
  2. Select Navigation Menu > Price Reason Management.
  3. Click Create Price Reason. The Create Price Reason page is displayed.
  4. Specify a Price Reason Code.
  5. Specify a Price Reason Name.
  6. Select a Price Type from the list so that the price reason code can be applied to a specific price type. You can select multiple price types.
  7. Click Save.
    Note: A validation error is displayed if you attempt to create a price reason code with the same name or code of an existing price reason. You must resolve any validation errors to successfully submit the price reason code.
    The Price Reason Management page is displayed with a success validation message. The created reason code is listed in the table and is available in the user interface.
    New price reasons may take up to three minutes to sync to the system. If a price reason code is still being processed, it cannot be deleted or modified until the synchronization process is completed. You must refresh the Price Reason Management page for the system to display the updated status for the synchronization process. You can view the Status column in the table to view the status of the price reason code.