Locations to exclude field, search, and filter

When you create a price change for a location level higher than Store, the Locations to exclude list field is displayed. You can then add a store or multiple stores within that location level you selected to exclude from the price change. You can select multiple regions or metros and exclude store locations from within each metro included in the price change.

The Locations to exclude list field includes a Search field and a Location Hierarchy Filter that allow you to identify the stores to exclude. You can specify a store location in the Search field to narrow the list of locations and select the store you want to exclude. When you specify characters in the Search field, the possible results are narrowed based on those characters.

The Location Hierarchy Filter allows you to expand a location level and view all the stores within that level. You can then select one or multiple stores within that level to select. For example, you can expand a metro to view all the stores included in that metro. If multiple location levels are selected, each level is displayed within the Location Hierarchy Filter. The stores within each level are displayed separately in the Locations to exclude list to differentiate between excluded stores. For example, if you select two metros, each metro is displayed in the Location Hierarchy Filter.