Advanced price lookup page

Navigation Menu > Price Lookup > Click an item ID from the table

The Advanced Price Lookup page displays in-depth price change details for the item you select. On this page you can:

  • Click the Prices tab to view pricing information and price change history for an item or multiple items over a period of time.
  • Drill into an item's prices for a specific location, group of locations, or an entire location level within the location hierarchy.
  • Click a price/date intersection in the table to display the Price Change Details window. This displays a high-level overview of the prices for that item at that date, even if multiple prices exist across the supply chain.
  • Click the Item Information tab to view information specific to the item, such as its UPC, Brand, and Hierarchy Association.
  • Click the Authorized Stores tab to view the stores that are authorized to sell the item you selected.
Note: When you view an item at a location level higher than the store level, the price that is displayed in the Price Lookup is the most common price found at all locations within that location level. Prices for the item display on higher location levels only if at least one store below that level is authorized to sell the item.