Using the location level and location columns

Note: The Location Level and Location functionality exists on the Price Change List page and Audit Price Changes page. The Location Hierarchy Filter and Search field also exist in location fields such as the Search Criteria fields and Locations to exclude field. These steps are for the table columns in the user interface but the Location Hierarchy Filter and Search field can be used the same way.
  1. Navigate to the Location Level and Location columns.
  2. To use the Location Level column:
    1. Click the Filter icon on the Location Level column header, then click the Select Location Level list.
    2. Select a location level within the location hierarchy from the list. Store is automatically selected.
    3. Click Submit. The table and location column are automatically filtered to the item price data for the location level you selected.
    4. Optionally, click Clear to redisplay the store level information.
  3. To use the Location column:
    1. Click the Filter icon on the Location column header, then click the Select Location list. The Search field and Location Hierarchy Filter are displayed.
    2. Use the Search field to search the location list for a specific location within the location level selected in the Location Level column. The Location Hierarchy Filter is narrowed to the location and the location hierarchy for the location you specified.
      Note: You must specify at least three characters for the location picker to return a result for your search. You can only search for locations within the location level selected. For example, if you attempt to search for a store when the Location Level is set to Metro, no results are returned.
    3. Use the Location Hierarchy Filter to navigate through the location levels within the location hierarchy. You can expand each sub level of locations to view the locations within that level. You can select a grouping of locations at the national, regional, and metro levels. You can expand location groupings, such as metros, to identify specific stores within that location grouping. You can select multiple locations or groupings of locations within the location hierarchy.
    4. Click Submit. The table and location column are automatically populated with item price data for the location level you selected.
    5. Optionally, click Clear to clear your selection.