New features

This section presents new product features included in this release of Price Management.

Location exclusions list (WFMPE-6416, 6419, 6536, 6534, 6420)

Added the ability to exclude individual store locations from a price change created at a higher location level than Store. This allows users to create and apply a price change for all stores within a location level except stores added to an exclusions list. For example, a user can create a price change for a metro but exclude multiple stores within that metro.

When a user selects a location level higher than Store during the price change creation process, the Locations to exclude list is displayed. Users can then select a store or multiple stores to exclude within that location level. The Locations to exclude field includes a Search field and a location filter that allow users the ability to identify those locations to exclude. If multiple location levels are selected, the application displays the stores within each location level separately within the Locations to exclude list to differentiate between excluded stores.

Added an Excluded Locations column to the tables in the user interface that displays any excluded locations for that price change. Users can click on that cell in the table to view a full list of the excluded locations. If a price change has any location exclusions, a red asterisk is displayed in the Location column for that price change to signify the existence of excluded locations.

Added a Has Exclusions field in the Price Change Details window to signify if the price change being viewed has excluded locations.

For more information, see the Infor Retail Price Management User Guide.

Excluding locations from price change alerts (WFMPE-6421)

Added the ability to include locations with alerts to an exclusion list for price changes that cannot be approved due to conflicting store locations included in the price change. The application now returns a list of suggested locations to exclude from a price change when alerts occur during a price change approval.
Note: If all locations within the price change cause a conflict, the price change fails and the validation errors must be resolved.

Searching the application using an uploaded CSV file (WFMPE-6457)

Added the ability to save a set of search criteria to a CSV file so that it can be imported to perform a search on the fly. Users can apply criteria in the Search Criteria fields that can be saved locally. Users can then upload the CSV file to perform the search instead of re-applying the same set of criteria each time.

Searching the application by alert type (WFMPE-6460)

Added the ability to search the application for price changes based on alert type or alert message. An Alert list is now displayed in the Search Criteria fields.

Location hierarchy filter in the Search Criteria fields (WFMPE-6482)

Added a Location Hierarchy Filter to the Location/s field in the Price Set at Location/s section of the Search Criteria fields. The Location Hierarchy Filter allows users to filter the results that are returned from the search at a different rolled-up location level. Users can then select locations that are at or above the location level selected in the Location Level list. For example, a user wants to view price changes at the store level but only for stores within a specific metro or region. The user can select a Location Level of Store and then use the Location Hierarchy Filter in the Location/s field to select a specific metro. The results are then returned with the price changes for the stores in the selected metro only.