New features

External price recommendations (WFMPE-6009)

Added an external API to input price recommendations so that the application can suggest prices for all price types. Price suggestions are created as price changes in a draft status that can be approved or rejected by a user. The following features have been added with this functionality:
  • A new user interface page and menu option called Price Recommendation List to view existing and past price recommendations.
  • Ability to import price recommendations for all price types.
  • Ability to accept a price recommendation and create a price change from the suggested price.
  • Ability to reject a price recommendation.
  • Ability to export price recommendations from the Price Recommendation List
Note: Price recommendations are imported and managed by the customer using Infor ION. Work with your system administrator or the Infor Delvery team for more information.

Price inquiry API (WFMPE-5983)

Added API groundwork for a price inquiry feature that allows external or third-party applications to send input requests to Price Management to obtain price information. For example, the user specifies inputs in the M3 application and sends the request using the ION API framework. Price Management receives the request and generates output values that are sent back to M3.

Alternative hierarchies/groups (WFMPE-6042)

Added the ability to import alternative hierarchies or groups into the system to be used throughout application. Price Management is designed for price changes to be created at the location level, such as region, metro, and store. With alternative hierarchies, users can create their own hierarchy and subsequent levels to meet business needs, such as a promotion. After a hierarchy has been imported, users can apply price changes to various levels within that hierarchy during price change creation.
Note: Alternative hierarchies are imported during the application implementation. Work with your system administrator or the Infor Delivery team for more information.

Export alerts (WFMPE-6016)

Added the ability select whether to export the full alert message associated with a price change when exporting a list of price changes as a CSV file from the Price Change List, Audit Price Changes, and the Conflict Resolution pages.

Previously, when a user exported price changes with alerts, the Alerts column in the CSV file would display a Yes or a No to indicate if there was an alert. The downloaded file would not display the full alert message. Now, if the user selects to download the alerts, the CSV file displays the full alert message in the Alerts column.