
New date format for the Import Template

Updated the Price Change Import Template so that users can now use a date format of MM/DD/YYYY and MMDDYYYY. Users can use variations of both MM/DD/YYYY and YYYY/MM/DD, with or without backslashes, when specifying date information in the import template. The application accepts instances of both date formats in the same import file. (WFMPE-5527)

Comma delimiter for the Import Template

Updated the Price Change Import Template with the ability to download the template with commas as the column delimiter. Previously, the application used pipe (|) delimiters in the template. Now, users have the option to select the delimiter they want to download the Import Template. (WFMPE-5655)
Note: This improvement is specific to the format the Import Template is downloaded and does not limit the delimiter options that can be used in the template. Users can still use pipes (|), commas (,), and colons (;) (:) as the column delimiters to specify their own values after the Import Template is downloaded.

Real time synchronization

Completed performance improvements so that some data is synchronized in real-time across the application. Previously, certain actions, such as creating a user or price change attribute, took up to 30 minutes to be fully synchronized throughout the application. Now the application processes these actions and synchronizes them throughout the application in real-time (~3 minutes). (WFMPE-5729, WFMPE-5503)

Configurable price change attribute limit

Removed a system limitation that allowed 25 configurable attributes only to be synchronized and processed downstream throughout the application at a time. Previously, the application allowed users to create an unlimited number of price change attributes but the system processed only 25 in a batch. Now, this limitation has been removed, increasing overall performance. (WFMPE-5504)