New features
This section presents new product features and enhancements to existing functionality included in this release of Price Management included in this release.
Location search and hierarchy picker in Price Change List (WFMPE-6022)
Added a Location Hierarchy Picker and a Search field to the Location column in the tables on the Price Change List and Audit Price Change page. The Location Hierarchy Picker allows the user to filter, narrow, and group the results that display in the table at different rolled-up location levels. The item and price data can then be used to compare the prices across specific groups of locations and provides a price snapshot that allows users to identify pricing trends.
Specifying configurable attribute ID during creation (WFMPE-6251)
Added the ability for a system administrator (ITA) or a user with the correct role permissions to define the new attribute ID during the creation of a configurable price attribute. Now the ID can be specified on the Create Price Change Attribute page when a new price change attribute is created.