
Submit and Clear buttons in Location Picker

Added the Submit and Clear buttons to the Location Picker that displays within the location column in the Advanced Price Lookup table. Before this feature, the Submit and Clear buttons were displayed only if you closed the Location Picker. Now, the user can submit the search or location selection without having to close the Location Picker or re-opening it to make a new selection or search. (WFMPE-5708)

Collapse icon in the Action Bar

Removed the Collapse icon from the Action Bar in the user interface when a price change or row is selected. (WFMPE-5776)

Editing same-day REG price changes

Added the ability to change the reason code for active REG price changes on the same day as their Start Date (today's date). For example, a user imports regular price changes with today's date as the Start Date and a reason code of REG. Now, the user can update the Price Reason to a new code if it is the same day as the Start Date. (WFMPE-5808)