Configuring new uploads

Follow these steps to configure a new upload:
  1. Select Menu > Setup > Upload Interfaces.
  2. In the New Upload column select Configure to start the upload setup for your property.
  3. Select Start.
  4. Select an interface form the list.
  5. Select Save and next.
    The Settings step of the Upload Setup wizard is displayed.
  6. Specify this information:
    The code of the interface that you selected.
    User Name
    The user name to connect with.
    The password to connect with.
    The endpoint to connect with.
    I do not know
    Select this option if you do not know the requested integration details. Once selected, you must specify the IT Email. This triggers an email for the RMS team and they will collect the integration details for you.
    Upload Rates
    Specify whether you want to enable rates upload. The rates upload is enabled by default.
    Rate Code
    If Upload Rates is enabled, you must specify a rate code. The selected rate code is the target of the rates upload.
    Upload Restrictions
    Specify whether you want to enable restrictions upload. This part is displayed only if the selected interface has the capability.
    LOS Restrictions
    Once the Upload Restrictions is enabled, you can specify whether you want to upload restrictions by Rate Category or Rate Code. The displayed options depend on your interface capabilities.
  7. Select Save and next.
    The Room Types step of the Upload Setup wizard is displayed.
  8. Select the room types to be uploaded by checking the boxes on the right side of the table.
  9. If required, specify the code for the Interface Room Type. This maps your PMS room types to the CRS or Channel Manager room types.
  10. Select Save and next.
    The Restrictions step of the Upload Setup wizard is displayed only if you enabled the Upload Restrictions in the Settings step.
  11. Select the rate codes or rate categories to be uploaded by checking the boxes on the right side of the table.
    The rate codes table is displayed if you selected Rate Code from the LOS restrictions field in the Settings step.
    The rate categories table is displayed if you selected Rate Category from the LOS restrictions field in the Settings step.
  12. Select Save and next.
  13. Select Submit to complete the setup for this interface.