Defining the optimization settings

  1. Select Menu > Setup > Parameters > Optimization.
  2. Select a property using the Property selection menu.
    You can search for a specific property in the Search box, or specify the PMS code.
  3. Select the Optimization tab.
  4. Specify this information:
    Optimization Horizon
    Specify the horizon by specifying the number of days. This is the period for which strategy can be managed. The default horizon is 365 days and it can be extended to 540 days maximum. This field is required.
    Number Of Guests
    The reference number of guests used for price decision.
    This parameter can be managed only by Infor, because it requires a full restart of the optimization model.
    Price Step
    The typical difference between price levels. It defines the interval or step that the price slider and stepper takes in the Decision and Multi-Day Decision screens.
    BAR Rate Code
    The rate code that is used to identify the current prices in the PMS.
  5. Select Save.