Carousel widget

The Carousel widget is the overview section of the Decision screen. This gives you a global view on the selected date, +/- 3 days (7 days).

All the prices in the widget correspond to the reference room type. If the property has multiple room categories, then the prices correspond to the reference room type for the reference room category.

These details are displayed in every date card:
  • Date
  • Uploaded icon: It is displayed for days that are already uploaded.
  • Current Price: The last uploaded price.
  • Current Price Variation: The difference between the last uploaded current price and the value of what the current price had during the last night audit optimization. If the property does not have real-time optimization enabled, this is based on the previous night audit and not the latest one received.
  • RMS Price: The RMS Price optimized by the engines.
  • Market Price: The weighted average market price for system identified competitors.
  • Market Price Variation: The difference between the current market price and the value it had during the last night audit optimization. If the property does not have real-time optimization enabled, this is based on the previous night audit and not the latest one received.
    Note: The market price details are not displayed when the selected property does not have a competitor set. They are replaced by Left to Sell details.
  • Left to sell: The number of rooms available for sale.
  • Left to sell Variation: The difference between the latest left to sell and the left to sell during the last night audit optimization. If the property does not have real-time optimization enabled, this is based on the previous night audit and not the latest one received.
Note: A green upward arrow (˄) indicates a positive variance, while a red downward arrow (˅) indicates a negative variance.

The widget displays the current date +/- 3 days, each in a separate card. You can browse the summary using the previous (˂) or next (˃) arrows to navigate day by day.

The card of the selected date is colored in blue. It typically takes the central position in the widget.

The card of the selected date is not central in these conditions:

  • The selected date is one of the first three days in the optimization horizon.
  • The selected date is one of the last three days in the optimization horizon.
  • If you navigate the widget using the arrows without selecting a date.

If you select a date from the widget, the Decision screen dynamically displays details related to the new date.