Fragments and content pages

Site editors can create content pages and place Rhythm widgets on content pages.

Content pages are an extended feature of Rhythm Portal. See the Liferay documentation for information about content pages:


Content pages are made up of fragments. A fragment is a predefined type of content or combination of types of content, such as a heading, paragraph, or heading with a paragraph. These fragments use Rhythm styling:
  • Rhythm Button
  • Rhythm Heading
  • Rhythm HTML
  • Rhythm Image
  • Rhythm Paragraph
  • Rhythm Card

You can also create your own fragments. Copy an existing fragment to use as a basis for a custom fragment. Use the Fragments form to create and review fragments. This form is located in the Design section of the Site menu.

To apply Rhythm styling to a fragment, enclose the HTML content in <div class="rhy"></div> tags.

See Adding fragments.


You can add widgets to a content page by dragging and dropping these widgets in the drop zones.

You can find the widgets in Fragments and Widgets > Widgets. The widgets are arranged in categories. For example, Rhythm Portal widgets are available in the Rhythm Core Widgets menu. You can also see the contents that you used in Selection > Drop Zones.

See Adding widgets.

Editing content

After you add a fragment to a content page, a site editor or content editor can create the content. Editors can type content directly in the content page, or they can add preexisting web content. Editors can also create translated content.


Optionally, site editors can use the User Segments feature to customize a website visitor's experience with a content page. For example, site editors can set up a content page to display certain content to users who are signed in, and different content to users who are not signed in.
Note: User segments in Rhythm Portal are not the same as user segments in the Infor Rhythm for Commerce Business Center.


These limitations apply to content pages and fragments:
  • Liferay fragments are available, but they do not use Rhythm styling.
  • If a fragment has Rhythm styling, some of the options on the fragment's Style tab do not function. You can use style books to apply these formats:
    • Font family
    • Font weight
    • Font size
    • Font color