Liferay Out of the Box Cookie Consent Portlet

  1. Navigate to Instance Settings > Cookies > Preference Handling to update the settings for cookie consent of the whole instance, or navigate to Site Settings > Cookies > Preference Handling to set up the cookie consent settings of a specific site.
    Note: If you set up on both Site Settings and Instance Settings, the settings on the Site Settings will be followed. The Site Settings overrides Instance Settings.
  2. Select the Enabled check box to enable the Liferay OOTB Cookie Consent Banner.
  3. Click Update. The Banner and Consent Panel tabs will show.
  4. On the Preference Handling tab, you can set up or update these fields:
    This check box is selected by default.
    Explicit Cookie Consent Mode
    This check box is selected by default.
  5. On the Banner tab, you can set up or update these fields:
    We use cookies to deliver personalized content, analyze trends, administer the site, track user movements on the site, and collect demographic information about our user base as a whole. Accept all cookies for the best possible experience on our website or manage your preferences.
    Privacy Policy Link
    The default link is
    Link Display Text
    This field is blank as a default.
    Include "Decline All" Button Checkbox
    This check box is selected as a default.
    Note:  Permissions that the end user selected are saved in the cookie storage.