Adding enumeration data types
On the dashboard, click Configuration.
Click Enumeration.
Click Add Enumeration Type.
- Specify this information:
- Name
- Specify a name for the enumeration type.
- ID
- Specify an ID for the enumeration type. If the ID that you specify is in use, a
message is displayed. Specify a different value.
- Data Type
- Select or
- Description
- Optionally, provide a description of the enumeration
- MultiSelect
- If users can select more than one value from the
enumeration list when they enrich an entity, select this check box.
If users can select only one value from the list, clear this check
- Hidden
- To hide this enumeration type, select this check box. For
example, if the enumeration type is not complete, you can select
this check box to prevent modelers from adding the enumeration type
to an entity type.
Use the Values table to build the list of values that users can select when
they enrich entities. Click the Add
Value button and specify this information:
- Key
- Specify a unique key for the value. If you use the bulk
import of attribute values feature, this key is used to identify the
enumeration value.
- Value
- Specify the value. This value is displayed in the Entities
interface. For example, if you are setting up a Color enumeration
type, you could specify Red or Blue as the value. When you specify a
value, use the language of the default locale.
- Locale
- To specify a localized value, select the locale from the drop-down list. Then,
specify the localized value. If the value is not localized, then
leave this field blank.
Click Save.