Creating the Order Guide Details page and configuring the widget

  1. Sign in to Rhythm Portal as a site editor.
  2. Create an Order Guide Details page.
  3. Add the Order Guide Details widget to the page:
    1. On the Order Guide Details page, click the Add button.
    2. Expand the Rhythm Commerce Widgets menu.
    3. Drag the Order Guide Details widget to the page.
  4. On the widget, select Options > Configuration.
  5. Specify the columns to display in the guide:
    Column Field Name
    Select the product attribute to display in the column. Static attributes are available by default. If the Item Details feature element is enabled for your role, then you can also select a dynamic attribute.
    Width (%)
    Specify the width of the column as a percentage. If you group the order guide by the current column, then this field is unavailable. The total width of all non-grouping columns cannot exceed 100%.
    Specify how to sort the column. You can select Ascending, Descending, or None.
    Group By
    To group the guide by the column, slide the Group By control to Yes. You can group by the first two columns. You cannot specify a width for a column that you use for grouping. The column has the same width as the first column that is not used for grouping. If you create a Group By column, you must create at least one column that does not have the Group By setting.
  6. To add a column, click Add Column and repeat step 5. Order guides can have a maximum of 6 columns.
  7. To display purchase history information, specify this information:
    Purchase History in Weeks
    Specify the number of weeks to include in the widget. You can specify a whole number from 1 to 6. Specify 0 to hide the purchase history section.
    Max Width (px)
    Specify the maximum width of the purchase history section. You can specify a whole number from 100 to 300.
  8. Specify these configurations:
    Enable breadcrumbs
    To provide a navigation path back to the Order Guide List page, slide the Enable breadcrumbs control to Yes.
    Select the Order Guide List Target Page
    If you enabled breadcrumbs, specify the name of the Order Guide List page.
    Select the Shopping Cart Page
    Select the name of the Shopping Cart page.
    Select the Product Details Page
    Select the name of the Product Details page. This page is opened when users click the product link in the widget.
  9. Click Save.