Order Checkout
This table shows the source of the content for this widget:
Content description | Source |
Delivery methods | ERP |
Shipping addresses | ERP |
Payment methods | ERP |
Product name, ID, and price | ERP |
Product thumbnail | PIM |
Widget configurations
This table shows the configuration settings available for this widget:
Configuration name | Options |
Continue Shopping page | Specify the page to open when a user clicks | on the confirmation page.
Edit Cart URL | Specify the page to open when a user click the Edit Cart link in the Review Order dialog. |
Terms & Conditions page | Specify the page to open when a user clicks
Terms and
Conditions. We recommend that you use the Terms and Conditions Article Id configuration to set up terms and conditions in checkout. The initial implementation of the Terms and Conditions feature used the Terms & Conditions page configuration. This configuration still functions, but is not recommended. |
View orders page | Specify the page to open when a user clicks | on the confirmation page.
View Order Approval List page | Specify the page to open when a user a requestor clicks the | button.
Target page for Item links | Specify the page to open when a user clicks a product name or image. |
User Registration page | Specify the page to open when a user who has not signed in attempts to check out. |
Show Recalculate Button | Specify whether to display the Rhythm Commerce is configured to retrieve confirmed delivery dates from the ERP, we recommend that you display this button. Customers can click the button to confirm changes before completing the checkout. | button. If
Default Delivery Optimization | If you allow customers to organize their items into deliveries, specify the default grouping. You can set the default grouping to the fewest number of deliveries or to the fastest deliveries. |
Display images | Specify whether product images are displayed in the Review Order dialog. |
Distance Unit | If you display a map in the widget, specify the default unit to use to measure distance between the user's location and the stores. |
Distance Calculation Mode | Select https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/distance-matrix/usage-and-billing. Select to calculate distances based on a direct line between the user's location and the stores. When you select this option, distance measurements are not displayed in the store list.The default setting for this configuration is Point to Point Distance. |
to calculate distances based
on driving directions between the user's location and the
stores. When you select this option, distance measurements are
displayed next to the stores in the store list. Note that Google
charges a usage fee for this option. See
Terms and Conditions article ID | If you use one set of terms and conditions for
all markets, specify the ID of the article. If you use different
terms and conditions for each market, or you do not require
confirmation of terms and conditions, leave this field blank.
If a terms and conditions article ID is specified for any market in the Business Center, the value in this field is ignored. |
Enable Shipping Dates in Step 1 | Specify Yes if users who have permission to organize orders into deliveries based on date can select delivery dates during step 1 and step 2 of checkout. Specify No if users can select delivery dates during step 2 only. |
Mandatory Warehouse Selection | Specify Yes to prompt users to select a warehouse location. |
Display Credit Summary | Switch on or off to show the Credit Summary under the Order Summary section. |
Feature elements in Business Center
This table shows the feature elements that affect the content of this widget:
Feature element | Options | Notes |
Ordering |
If users can place orders, select this check box. If you clear this check box, then the , , and widgets are not displayed. In widgets, the button is not displayed. |
This feature element affects these widgets:
Order Line Req Del Date | If users can specify a delivery date for each line in the order, select this check box. If users can specify one delivery date for the entire order, clear this check box. | |
Get Confirmed Delivery Date | If users can optimize their orders for fastest delivery or fewest deliveries, select this check box. Users can also view the earliest possible delivery date for their order. If your ERP does not send confirmed delivery dates, do not select this check box. | |
Order Line Shipping Address | If users can specify different shipping addresses for each line in the order, select this check box. If users can specify one shipping address for the entire order, clear this check box. | |
Purchase Order Number | To add a Purchase Order Number field to the widget, select this check box. The customer can specify the ID of the purchase order they use to authorize the purchase. | |
Mandatory Purchase Order Number | To require customers to add a purchase order number, select this check box. | |
Your reference | To add the Your Reference field to the widget, select this check box. |
This feature element affects these widgets:
Mandatory your reference | To require customers to add reference information, select this check box. | |
Terms and Condition Ordering | To require users to confirm that they have read your terms and conditions before submitting their orders, select this check box. | |
Choose Delivery Method | If users can select a shipping method during checkout, enable this feature element. | |
Choose Multiple Delivery Methods | If users can select a different shipping method for each delivery in the order, enable this feature element. | |
List Prices | To display the price that customers pay for your products, select this check box. To hide product prices, clear this check box. |
This feature element affects these widgets:
Submit Order | If users can complete the checkout process, select this check box. If users cannot complete the checkout process, clear this check box. If you clear this check box, users can add products to the shopping cart and begin checkout. Users cannot submit the order at the end of the checkout process. | |
Stock Availability List | To display stock availability by warehouse, select this check box. To hide detailed inventory information, clear this check box. If you clear this check box, users can view the stock level indicator, but they cannot access detailed information about available stock. |
This feature element affects these widgets:
Display Credit Limit | To enable the widget, widget configuration, and show the credit summary information, select this check box. | This feature elements affects these
This widget is single-instance.