Creating the self-registration page

  1. Sign in to Rhythm Portal as a site editor.
  2. Open the Site menu.
  3. Select Select Site Builder > Pages.
  4. Click Add Page.
  5. Click Widget Page.
  6. Specify a name for the page.
  7. Click Add.
  8. Locate the page in the Pages form.
  9. Select View Actions > Configure.
  10. On the General tab, specify this information:
    Make this a Dynamic Menu
    Clear this check box.
    Friendly URL
    Specify a friendly URL for the page.
    Show on the Header Menu
    Clear this check box.
    Shown on the Footer Menu
    Clear this check box.
    Select Layout, then click Max Width Layout.
  11. Click Save.
  12. Navigate to the new page.
  13. Click Add.
  14. Expand Widgets > Rhythm Commerce Widgets.
  15. Drag the User Registration widget to the page.
  16. On the widget, select Options > Configuration.
  17. Specify this information:
    Select the Checkout page
    Select the name of the checkout page.
    Display Company field
    Select this check box to display the Company field during registration. Users can leave this field blank.
    Terms and Conditions article ID
    If you use the same terms and conditions for all markets, specify the ID of the terms and conditions article. If you use market-specific terms and conditions, or if you did not create a terms and conditions article, leave this field blank.
    Privacy article ID
    If you use the same privacy policy for all markets, specify the ID of the privacy article. If you use market-specific privacy policies, or if you did not create a privacy article, leave this field blank.
  18. Click Save.