Invoice Details
This table shows the source of the content for this widget:
Content description | Source |
Invoice ID, ship to, invoiced quantity, price, product name, product number | ERP |
Thumbnail | PIM |
Widget configurations
This table shows the configuration settings available for this widget:
Configuration name | Options |
Order detail page | Specify the page to open when users click an order number. |
Enable/Disable breadcrumbs for | Specify whether this widget provides information to the breadcrumb navigation. |
Product Details page | Specify the page to open when users click a product. |
Select Display Option for Product Images | Specify whether to show an image for each product. |
Display Invoice Status | Specify whether to show the status of the invoice. |
Show Line Level Summation | Specify whether to show the total charges and discounts for all lines in the order. If you click | , then only the header-level charges and discounts are displayed.
Feature elements in Business Center
This table shows the feature elements that affect this widget:
Feature element | Options | Notes |
Invoices | If users can view invoices for orders, select this check box. If users cannot see invoices, clear this check box. |
This feature element affects these widgets:
List prices | To display the price that customers pay for your products, select this check box. To hide product prices, clear this check box. |
This feature element affects these widgets:
Download Invoice Details | To display a link that users can click to download the invoice document, select this check box. |
To display a download link, these criteria must also be met:
Purchase Order Number | To display purchase order numbers that are associated with the invoices, select this check box. | This feature element affects these widgets:
Your Reference | To display the Your Reference field, select this check box. |
This feature element affects these widgets:
This widget is single-instance.