
Customers use information about stores to locate your business.

Information about stores is displayed in the Store Location List and Store Location Details widgets. Each widget is added to a separate page in the web shop.

The Store Location List widget shows a list of stores organized by store type. Optionally, you can show the location of your stores in Google maps. To show your stores in Google maps, you must purchase APIs from Google. Infor does not provide the Google maps APIs.

The Store Location Details widget shows information about an individual store.

To set up information about stores, use the Business Center. Use the Store Types form to classify the locations where customers can acquire your products. Use the Store Details form to specify this information:
  • Contact information
  • Address
  • Operating hours, including special event hours
  • Images
If you are using Google maps, you also use the Store Details form to specify the location of the store.

See "Establishing stores" in the Infor Rhythm Commerce Business Center Online Help.