User Registration


This widget does not display content from your databases.

Widget configurations

This table shows the configuration settings available for this widget:
Configuration name Options
Select the Checkout page Specify the page to open when users complete their registrations and continue to checkout.
Terms and Conditions article ID If you use one set of terms and conditions for all markets, specify the ID of the article. If you use different terms and conditions for each market, or you do not require confirmation of terms and conditions, leave this field blank.

If a terms and conditions article ID is specified for any market in the Business Center, the value in this field is ignored.

Privacy article ID If you use one privacy article for all markets, specify the ID of the article. If you use different privacy articles for each market, or you do not require confirmation of terms and conditions, leave this field blank.

If a privacy article ID is specified for any market in the Business Center, the value in this field is ignored.

Display Company field Select the check box to display the Company field during registration. Users are not required to specify information in the company field.

Feature elements in Business Center

This table shows the feature elements that affect this widget:
Feature element Options
Self Registration To enable users to self-register, select this check box for the role that is assigned to the guest user.


This widget is single-instance.