Setting up order file uploads

After you set up order file uploads, customers can use text files to add items to their shopping carts.

  1. In the Business Center, specify the maximum number of lines that you can upload in the Ordering.File Upload OrderLine Limit application property. An Infor representative must complete this step for you.
  2. In the Business Center, set up a role with these feature elements:
    • Ordering
    • Order File Upload
    Optionally, you can also add the Order Line Comment feature element to the role. If you add this feature element, then users can include one comment per order line in the upload file.
    See "Configuring roles" in the Infor Rhythm for Commerce Business Center Online Help.
  3. In the Business Center, assign the role to users.
    See "Assigning roles to users" in the Infor Rhythm for Commerce Business Center Online Help.
  4. In Rhythm Portal, ensure that the Quick Order Entry widget has been placed on a web page.
    1. Sign in to your website as a user who has the site editor role.
    2. Navigate to a page where you can add the ability to upload order files. For example, you could provide order file upload functionality on the Shopping Cart page.
    3. Ensure that the Quick Order Entry widget has been placed on the page. If the widget is not on the page, you can add it.
      See "Adding widgets" in the Infor Rhythm Portal Site Editor User Guide.