Photo Gallery


This table shows the source of the content for this widget:
Content description Source
Product images PIM

Widget configurations

This table shows the configuration settings available for this widget:
Configuration Name Options
Image Type Specify the type of images to display in the gallery. If you use inriver PIM, you can select Drawings to display technical drawings. Select Images to display product images, or All to display drawings and images.
Display enlarged image Specify whether to show the enlarged image in the gallery.

Specify Yes to enable the display of a zoomed-in and enlarged image on the right side of the product when you move the pointer over the photo of the product. This is the default configuration.

Specify No to disable the enlarged image when you move the pointer over the photo of the product. You can clearly display the information on the right side of the photo gallery widget if this option is used.

Feature elements in Business Center

This table shows the feature elements that affect this widget:
Feature elementOptionsNotes
Item detailsTo display product details, select this check box. To hide product details, clear this check box. If you clear this check box, then users cannot see any product details, including images and resources.
This feature element affects these widgets:
  • Item Attribute
  • Photo Gallery
  • Product Details


This widget is single-instance.