Campaign/Promotion Hero Banner


This table shows the source of the content for this widget:
Content description Source
Promotion or campaign image Business Center
Promotion or campaign header Business Center
Promotion or campaign subheader Business Center

Widget configurations

This table shows the configuration settings available for this widget:
Configuration name Options
Define default status for the banner Specify the default state of the banner.
Banner Type Campaign or Promotion
Select Campaign/Promotion Failure State Specify the action to take if the campaign or promotion that you select is not valid for the user. Click None to hide the banner. Click Random to randomly select a valid campaign or promotion to display.
Campaign/Promotion Link Target Page Specify the page to open when users click the banner.
Choose Campaign or Choose Promotion If this banner is for a campaign, specify the ID of the campaign to display. If this banner is for a promotion, specify the ID of the promotion to display.
Business Center Image Ratio - Mobile Specify how to scale the hero banner when it is displayed on a mobile device. Define the ratio in Business Center.
Business Center Image Ratio - Tablet Specify how to scale the hero banner when it is displayed on a tablet.
Business Center Image Ratio - Desktop Specify how to scale the hero banner when it is displayed on the desktop.

Feature elements in Business Center

Feature elements do not affect this widget.


This widget is multi-instance.