Unit of measure

You can display the prices of your items in one unit of measure, but sell the product in a different unit of measure.

For example, you can display prices for items by the case, but sell items by pair, boxes, and each.

The display of available alternate unit of measure along with the associated conversion factor is determined by the application property. You can enable the unit of measure in one of these ways:
  • Use the Ordering.Multiple Unit of Measure application property to order an item in the base unit instead of the price unit of measure. The base unit of an item is displayed next to the Quantity field in the web shop. The conversion factor is displayed under the item name if the price unit and the unit of measure beside the Quantity field are different. When the Use Sales UOM for Ordering feature element is enabled in a role, the sales unit is displayed next to the Quantity field. Users can then order an item in the sales unit instead of the base unit.
  • Use the Ordering.Select Ordering Unit application property to order an item in alternate units of measure. The alternate units of measure and conversion factor are displayed in the unit drop-down on the Product Details page. This can include the base unit depending on the setup of Ordering.Include Base Unit in Unit Dropdown application property. Optionally, you can pre-select the sales unit depending on the setup of Ordering.User Default Ordering Unit application property.
Note: Do not enable both setups at the same time as it will cause issues and inaccuracy in the unit of measure in the web shop.
  • Using the alternate unit of measure is only certified for M3.
  • Ordering using alternate unit of measure can cause inaccuracies for the Unit Price per Qunatity, Line Quantity, Unit Measure, and Total Quantity in the Invoice Details page.