Plan your website navigation structure

Your website has these navigation structures: the header menu, the footer menu, breadcrumbs, and the My Account menu.

When site editors add pages to your website, they can specify whether the page is part of the header menu, the footer menu, or both. Depending on the content of the page, Site editors can also designate that the menu is a dynamic menu. When a dynamic menu is created, the submenus are constructed based on information that you specify in Business Center. For example, you can decide to make the Category List page a dynamic menu. The Category menu option will display the category hierarchy you specify in Business Center. The Header and Footer menu structure can also be built manually.

Breadcrumbs can be added to most pages in your website. When a customer navigates your website, breadcrumbs show the previous pages in the path. Like menus, breadcrumbs can be built statically or dynamically. Certain widgets, such as the Product Details widget, can communicate the path to display in the breadcrumb.

After users sign in to the website, they can use the My Account widget to navigate to pages in your website. The site editor can specify the pages that are included in the My Account widget.

See Widget content and configuration.