Enabling the unit of measure and ordering an item in alternate units of measure
To order an item in the alternate units of measure on the web shop, use the Application Properties form in the Business Center and complete these steps:
- Sign in to the Business Center with tenant administrator credentials.
- Select Application Setup > Application Properties.
- Specify this information:
- Ordering.Select Ordering Unit
- Specify true to order an item in alternate units of measure. The alternate units of measure and conversion factor are displayed in the unit drop-down on the Product Details page.
- Ordering.Include Base Unit in Unit Dropdown
- Specify true to show the base unit of the item in the unit drop-down aside from the sales unit and alternate units. This is the default value.
- Specify false to not show the base unit of the item in the unit drop-down. The base unit of the item is still displayed when the base unit is the sales unit in the Business Center or configured as an alternate unit. This application property is in conjunction with the Ordering.Select Ordering Unit.
- Ordering.User Default Ordering Unit
- Specify true to pre-select the sales unit of measure on the web shop.
- Specify false to not pre-select a unit in the drop-down on the Item Details page. The View details button and a message that indicates when you can order an item in different units of measure are also displayed on the browsing pages on the web shop. This application property is in conjunction with the Ordering. Select Ordering Unit.
- Ordering.Multiple Units of Measure
- Specify false. Enabling this application property is considered an incorrect setup that can cause inaccuracy in the unit of measure.
- WebService.OrderLine WebService Method
- Specify the web service to use to retrieve pricing information from the ERP. You can specify CatalogPrice or OrderLinePrice. Set the value to OrderLinePrice for ERP to do the calculations. We recommend to use this value when using the multiple units of measure feature. If you set the value to CatalogPrice, this uses manual calculations which may display inaccuracies in the total price.
- Click Save.
- Select Application Setup > Roles.
- Click the name of the role.
- In the Feature Elements section, clear the Use Sales UOM for Ordering check box. Enabling this feature element is considered an incorrect setup that can lead to inaccuracy in the unit of measure.
- Click Save.