Stock level indicators

The stock level indicator provides your customers information about the quantity of a product in your inventory.
You can use these types of indicators:
Use text to indicate stock level, for example low, medium, and high. Define the text strings to use in the Stock Level form in the Business Center.
Use an icon that is displayed in the quantity field in the web shop. Define stock levels in the Stock Level form in the Business Center.
Display the actual quantity in stock. Optionally, you can define the maximum quantity to display in the Stock Value Upper Limit parameter on the Application Details form in the Business Center. If the in-stock quantity exceeds the upper limit, then the upper limit is displayed with a Plus sign, for example 500+.
Quantities are displayed in whole numbers only. Decimal quantities are not supported.

You can also configure widgets not to display stock level indicators.

You can set up stock level indicators on these widgets:
  • Product List
  • Product Details. If you use Infor M3 as your ERP, you can also show stock levels by individual warehouse.
  • Shopping Cart
  • Mini-cart
  • Product Comparison
  • Product Recommendation
  • Promotional Items

The stock level indicator is not available on the Spare Parts List widget.