About file uploads

Your customers can add items to the shopping cart by uploading a file.

To enable this feature for a customer, assign the customer to a role that has the Order file upload feature element. Perform this task in the Business Center.

The file must meet these requirements:
  • The file must be a CSV file encoded using UTF-8.
  • Each line in the CSV file corresponds to an order line.
  • Each line must start with the item number, followed by the separator character, followed by the quantity. Customers can use either commas or semi-colon as the separator. If the user can add order line notes, then the file must include another separator character after the quantity, followed by the order line note.
  • If style items are included in the file, the item number for the individual SKU must be used. The item number of the parent item cannot be used.
  • The file can contain up to 100 lines. You can use the Ordering.File Upload OrderLine Limit application property in the Business Center to further limit the size of the file.

If the uploaded file contains errors, the customer is notified. Errors can include invalid item numbers or invalid characters in the order quantity field. If an error is found, it is highlighted in red. You must correct the errors must before you can add the item to the cart. If the customer navigates away from the Shopping Cart page before correcting errors, the items are removed from the Shopping Cart page.

If you sell items in modular quantities, customers are notified if they specify an incorrect quantity. For example, if you sell items in multiples of two, and the customer uploads an order for a quantity of 3, the incorrect quantity is highlighted in blue. A revised quantity is suggested. Depending on how the Items.Enable Modular Quantity Check tenant application property is set up, customers may add incorrect modular quantities to the cart.