Create style items content
The procedure for enriching style content is the same as the procedure for creating standard product content.
See Products.
Style items have a parent item and child item SKUs. On your website, the parent item is displayed in the inriver PIM.
and widgets by default. If a user clicks a swatch, then information about the individual SKU is displayed. The parent item is designated as the default style item inIn inriver PIM, the parent style is created as a Product entity. Individual SKUs are created as Item entities that belong to the parent product.
You can add this content to the parent product:
- Item images. Item images are displayed in the photo gallery.
- Item drawings
- Brand icons
- Product icons
- Videos
- Images
- Documents
Content that you add to the parent product is also displayed for individual SKUs.
You can add this content to individual SKUs:
- Item images
- Item drawings
- Videos
- Images
- Swatches
Most of the content that you create in inriver PIM for individual style SKUs is displayed only when the customer is viewing the individual SKU. The exception is swatch images, which are displayed when the customer is viewing the parent product.