

This table shows the source of the content for this widget:
Content description Source
Promotion image Business Center
Promotion header Business Center
Promotion subheader Business Center
Terms and conditions Business Center

Widget configurations

This table shows the configuration settings available for this widget:
Configuration name Options
Show as Dashboard Select the check box to format the widget for display on the user dashboard.
Show-Hide Detail Button/Show-Hide Details-Terms Links Click one of these options:

Show/Hide. Click this option to show the link for the promotion details and hide the link for terms and conditions.

Hide/Show. Click this option to hide the link for the promotion details and show the link for terms and conditions.

Hide/Hide. Click this option to hide the links for promotion details and terms and conditions.

Show/Show. Click this option to show the links for promotion details and terms and conditions.

Select button URL If you are displaying a link to details, specify the page to open when users click the link.
Choose a Promotion Optionally, select a promotion.
Select a promotion failure state Select the action to take if the chosen promotion cannot be shown.
Choose which section to use for different devices For each Business Center Image Ratio device, specify how to scale images.

Feature elements in Business Center

Feature elements do not affect this widget.


This widget is multi-instance.