Creating an order for approvals detail page

  1. Sign in to Rhythm Portal as a site editor.
  2. Create a page.
    See "Web pages" in the Infor Rhythm Portal Site Editor Guide or online help.
  3. Add the Order for Approval Details widget.
    1. From the page that you created, click Add.
    2. Expand Widgets > Rhythm Commerce Widgets.
    3. Drag the Order for Approval Details widget to the page.
  4. On the widget, select Options > Configuration.
  5. Specify this information:
    Product Details Target Page
    Specify the page to open when users click a product name or image.
    Select the Order Detail Target Page
    Specify the page to open when users click an order number.
    Checkout Flow Target Page
    Specify the checkout page. This page is opened when approvers approve an order.
    Shopping Cart Target Page
    Specify the shopping cart page. This page is opened when users click the Reorder button.
    Show Product Image
    Slide the switch to Yes to display thumbnail images of the products in the request.
    Group By Warehouse
    Slide the switch to Yes to group items in the request by warehouse of which items are shipped.
    Group By Delivery Date
    Slide the switch to Yes to group items in the request by date of which items are delivered.
    Enable breadcrumbs
    Slide the switch to Yes if this widget provides information to the breadcrumb navigation.
  6. Click Save.