About approval flows

If you activate order approval by user, you can set up a single-level approval flow. If you activate order approval by cost center, you can set up a single-level or multi-level approval flow.

In a single-level flow, orders must be approved if they exceed a value that you specify. You can require approval of all orders.

In a multi-level flow, you create a sequential list of approvers. Approvers in the first sequence approve the order, followed by approvers in the second sequence, and so on. After an approver in each sequence approves the order, the order is submitted for fulfillment by the last-level approver.

You can also associate approval limits with approver sequences. Depending on the value of the order, multiple users must approve the order. For example, you can set up one user who approves orders over $500 but under $1000, a second user who approves orders over $1000 but under $2500, and a third user who approves orders over $2500. If an order for $1250 is submitted, then the first and second user must approve the order. If an order exceeds $2500, then all three users must approve the order. Approvers in the last sequence complete the checkout.

Each approver sequence can contain more than one approver. You can include the same approver in more than one sequence.