Specifying cXML information on the customer record

  1. In the Users section of the Business Center, click Customers.
  2. Click the customer number of the customer with whom you are setting up cXML PunchOut.
  3. In the PunchOut Protocol field, specify cXML.
  4. Specify the values to use to validate the From credentials in the cXML PunchOutSetupRequest message. If the values in the cXML file do not match the values that you specify for the customer, then the setup request is denied, and the customer cannot use PunchOut to purchase items in the web shop. The values that you specify correspond to this section of the PunchOutSetupRequest file:
    <Credential domain="From Credential Domain field value">
    <Identity>From Credential Identity field value</identity>
    Specify information in these fields:
    From Credential Domain
    Specify the domain used to identify the customer. Typically, this value is either DUNS or NetworkID.
    From Credential Identity
    Specify the originator of the PunchOut or Order request. Typically, this value is the customer number.
  5. Specify the values to use to validate the Sender credentials in the cXML PunchOutSetupRequest message. In cXML PunchOut, an XML file is sent from the customer to a central hub, and then from the central hub to Rhythm for Commerce. The Sender credentials are used to identify the central hub and the customer. If the values in the cXML file that is received from the central hub do not match the values that you specify for the customer, then the setup request is denied, and the customer cannot use PunchOut to purchase items in the web shop. The values that you specify correspond to this section of the PunchOutSetupRequest file:
    <Credential domain="Sender Credential Domain field value">
    <Identity>Sender Credential Identity field value</Identity>
    <SharedSecret>Shared Secret field value</SharedSecret>
    <UserAgent>Sender User Agent field value</UserAgent>
    Specify information in these fields:
    Shared Secret
    Specify the shared secret that you provided to the e-commerce hub.
    Sender Credential Domain
    Specify the domain used to identify the e-commerce hub.
    Sender Credential Identity
    Specify the buying organization. Typically, this value is the customer number. The value must be unique. You cannot use the same credential identity on more than one customer record.
    Sender User Agent
    Specify the name and version of the procurement system.
    Service User
    Optionally, select a service user. You can select any PunchOut user who is associated with the customer. Specify a service user to allow anonymous users to complete cXML transactions.
  6. Use the cXML PunchOut Order Message Fields section to map xpaths in the PunchoutOrderMessage file to fields in Rhythm for Commerce:
    1. Click Add.
    2. In the Field Name field, specify the xpath to which you are mapping data.
    3. In the Field Value field, specify the information to use for the field. Select one of these types, and the select the value:
      Option Description
      Order Select this option to use information from the order.
      Item Select this option to use information about the item.
      Fixed Value Select this option to manually specify a particular value.
    4. Optionally, in the Criteria field, specify criteria to apply to the field value. You can add criteria to Item fields and fixed values. You can add multiple criteria. If you add more than one criterion, then all criteria are applied to the field value. This table shows the criteria that you can use:
      Option Description
      Length Use this criteria to limit the length of strings. If the value exceeds the length, the value is truncated. For example, if you specify 3 as the length criteria, and the value is DRILL, then DRI is sent to the procurement system.
      Decimal Length Use this criteria to limit the number of decimal places in a value. If the number of decimal places exceeds the decimal length, the value is rounded. For example, if you specified 2 as the Decimal Length criteria, and the value is 12.567, then 12.57 is sent to the procurement system.
      Multiply By Use this criteria to multiply a quantity or amount by a number that you specify.
      Lookup Use this criteria to add a lookup table that you can use to replace a unit of measure abbreviation with a longer description.
  7. Click Save.