FAQs for advanced users
What is a regular user? What is an advanced user?
By default, users from your company can have one of two roles: regular user and advanced user. Any user can place an order for your company. An advanced user can also add users to the website.
How do I add users to the website?
- Sign in to the website as a reseller administrator.
- Select My Account button on the Home page. or click the
- In the Authorized Personnel section, click .
- Specify the user's first name, last name, and email address.
- Optionally, select a customer group from the Customer Group drop-down list.
- In the User Roles section, select the roles to assign to the user. You can select more than one role.
- Click .
How do I remove a user?
- Sign in to the website as a reseller admin.
- Click My Account.
- In the Authorized Personnel section, click the next to the name of the individual.
- In the Confirmation dialog, click . The user's account is removed.