Edit existing customer order

After an order is placed, you can edit your order by:
  • Adding products
  • Updating product quantities
  • Canceling order lines
If users are assigned to a role where the Edit Existing Order feature element is selected, they can edit their orders. Users can access the edit order page in these ways:
  • Using Order History Dashboard, Order History List, and Order Details
  • Using Edit Order Dashboard

Users can filter editable orders using the Show Editable Orders filter in the Order History List.

The changes you can make to orders depend on the edit order criteria in the Rhythm for Commerce Business Center and are subject to the order lines. For example, if an order line is fully processed or for joint delivery, you cannot update the quantity or cancel that order line. But you can edit unprocessed order lines. Additionally, you can add more products to your existing orders. The order total is updated as you save your order.