Checking out
When customers have finished adding products to the shopping cart, they can begin the checkout process.
If the customer user is a PunchOut user, then a
button is displayed. The user clicks this button to complete the purchase in the e-procurement system.See Customers and procurement systems.
For all other users, the checkout process begins when the user clicks the
button. The checkout process has five steps: Shipping Information, Delivery, Payment, Review, and Confirmation.The actions that your customers can perform during each step of the checkout process
depend upon these factors:
- The feature elements assigned to the user's role in the Business Center
- The application details set up in the Business Center during tenant provisioning
- The application properties set up in the Business Center during tenant provisioning
- The ERP that is integrated to Rhythm for Commerce
After customers place their orders, they can review their orders on the Order History page.