Adding products to the shopping cart
After customers locate the products that they want to purchase, they can add them to the
shopping cart.
Customers click the
button to add non-configured items to their orders. You can configure these
widgets to show the
button: - Favorites
- Favorite Details
- Product Details
- Product List
- Product Compare Sticky Bar
- Product Recommendations
- Promotional Items
- Spare Parts List
- Style Matrix
Customers can also add non-configured items to the cart in these ways:
- Using Quick Order Entry.
- Uploading order files. The file must be a CSV file encoded using UTF-8.
- Reordering a previously placed order.
- Ordering from a template order.
- Ordering from an order guide.
Optionally, an indicator is displayed that an item is already added to the cart. You can
configure these widgets to show the Added to cart ribbon:
- Product List
- Product Details
- Product Recommendations
- Promotional Items