Creating administrators in Infor Ming.le or Infor OS Portal

See "Security" in the Infor OS Portal Administration Guide.

  1. Sign in to Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le as a user who has permission to create users. For example, sign in as a user with the UserAdmin role in Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le.
  2. If you signed in through Infor Ming.le, navigate from the User menu then select User Management. If you signed in through Infor OS Portal, navigate from the User menu then select Security.
  3. Click Add new item.
  4. Specify the user's name and email address. Select the Send Invitation check box to send the user an email after you create the user. The user must access Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le from the email to activate the account.
  5. Click Save.
  6. In the Users list, open the user's record.
  7. Click the Security Roles tab.
  8. Assign one or more of these roles:
    Role Description
    RHY-Administrator A user with this role is created as an Administrator in the Business Center and a Tenant Administrator in Rhythm Portal. A user with this role can create users in Rhythm Portal.
    RHYPORTAL-RhythmSiteEditor A user with this role is created as a Site Editor in Rhythm Portal. Site Editors can create websites and web pages. They can configure the widgets that are used to render dynamic content on your website.
    RHYPORTAL-RhythmStaticContentEdtior A user with this role is created as a Content Editor in Rhythm Portal. Content editors can upload and manage the static content that you use on your website.
    ECOM-Administrator A user with this role is created as an Administrator in the Business Center. This user is not created in Rhythm Portal and cannot access the product.
    ECOM-User A user with this role is created as a user in Business Center but is not assigned to a role in Business Center. After the user is created in the Business Center, you can assign the user to a role. This user is not created in Rhythm Portal and cannot access the product.
    RHYTHM-Administrator A user with this role can access the Rhythm Services Dashboard. This user is not created in the Business Center or Rhythm Portal.
    RHYTHM-NotificationAdminstrator A user with this role can access the Rhythm Services Notification Service interface. This user is not created in the Business Center or Rhythm Portal.
    Infor-SuiteUser A user with this role can access applications through Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le.
    Infor-SystemAdministrator A user with this role can administer settings in Rhythm Services.
    IONDeskAdmin A user with this role can monitor BOD replication in ION. A user with this role can also create users in Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le.
    UserAdmin A user with this role can create users in Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le
  9. Click Save.
  10. Optionally, refine the user's credentials:
    • In Rhythm Portal, assign the user to a company. We recommend that you set up an internal company so that Site Editors can see content that is generated from Infor Rhythm Commerce. In Rhythm Portal, select Control Panel > Users > Users and Organizations. Locate the user, then select More Actions > Edit. Click the Rhythm tab. Select the company to associate with the user.
    • In Business Center, assign the user to additional roles.