Administering payment methods

  1. On the Business Center home page, select Application Setup > Payments.
  2. Select a payment method.
    Note: For the Manual payment system, the default payment method is Invoice. For CenPOS, the default payment method is CreditCard.
  3. On the Payment Method Details page, specify this information:
    Sort Order
    Provide a numeric value to specify the sorting order.
    Payment System
    Select one of these options from the drop-down box: Manual or CenPOS.
    Payment Code
    Select one of these options from the drop-down box:
    • Cash
    • Cheque
    • CreditCard
    • DebitCard
    • ElectronicFundsTransfer
    • ProcurementCard
    • BankDraft
    • PurchaseOrder
    • CreditTransfer
    • CreditMemo
    • None
    • Prepay
    • DirectDebit
    Specify a name for each available language.
    Add New User Segment
    Select a User Segment from the list.
  4. Click Save.