Adding customers in bulk
Optionally, use this procedure to add customers in bulk.
- Select Shop > Bulk Update.
- Click the Uploader icon to browse for Excel files, or drag and drop files to the Upload area.
- Select the Customer Group file type.
- Click Continue.
Browse for the file to upload, then click Open.
Note: The file format can be .xls or .xlsx. On the spreadsheet, these columns are required for the import: CustomerGroupName and CustomerNumber. file type.
Click the file name of the uploaded file. If there are no
errors in the uploaded file, then click Import on the File Upload Details
On the Choose Operation pop-up window, you can select whether to Add or Replace records in the file. Select an option and then click Continue. Go back to the Bulk Update page to verify that the Status is Imported.
To check if the customers were successfully added to the group,
select Users > Customer Groups.
In the Results area, verify that the Customer Group Name was added to the list. Click on the Customer Name that you just added. On the Customer Group Details page, the names of all the customers included in the group must be listed.